Simon Sinek. How Great Leaders Inspire Action.
Good leaders inspire and give you a vision that you can buy into. They inspire you to action, to achieve the vision. Without action, without achieving a task, a team isn’t a team. Its just a collection of people. Simon Sinek explains why the ‘why’ is more important than the ‘what’ or ‘how’.
Focused Questions:
- “Why, not How, or What”. Isn’t this just Mission Command? If not, why not?
- If it is just the same is Mission Command, why doesn’t it sound like the way we work outside of operations?
- Think of the best and worst leaders you’ve worked for. Did they create a sense of ‘why’ or a sense of ‘what’.
- The innovators and early adopters in your team get the ideas and pull the rest of the world with them. Do these people exist in the Army? In your team? How do you identify them and (as a leader) get them to buy into ‘why you do it’?
- “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it”. What does this mean for how you lead? Is this the same at the Army Leadership Code’s ‘Vision-Support-Challenge’?