is run by a former soldier in the British Army. The thoughts in these articles draw on experiences and thoughts from two decades in the Army, years in training and leadership development roles and over a dozen operational deployments and overseas training missions. His views are his own and do not represent the views of the MOD or the British Army.

Simon Sinek. How Great Leaders Inspire Action.

Simon Sinek. How Great Leaders Inspire Action. Good leaders inspire and give you a vision that you can buy into. They inspire you to action, to achieve the vision. Without action, without achieving a task, a team isn’t a team. Its just a collection of people. Simon Sinek explains why the ‘why’ is more important…

NPR Disruptive Leadership Podcast

The NPR TED Radio Hour brings together some of the best TED talks as a podcast, but then also interviews the presenters as well, allowing them to delve deeper into what they said. This 50-minute episode is about Disruptive Leadership or, as Seth Godin describes it, leadership that makes things better for followers. It brings…

Leaders Huddle Podcasts

The Leaders Huddle podcast is provided by the US Army’s snappily-titled Center for the Advancement of Leader Development and Organisational Learning. Unsurprisingly, it goes it its short name, CALDOL. Its target audience is platoon to company commanders – so the ranks of Lt to Capt in the US Army, but Lt to Maj in the UK…

Tony Robbins and Gen McChrystal Podcast

Becoming an Extraordinary Leader Tony Robbins’ podcast is full of motivational and inspirational advice from this gravely-voiced life coach. Not all of his podcasts are about leadership, or indeed worth listening to. In this episode Tony interviews Gen Stanley McChyrstal and Chris Fussell, authors of Team of Teams, about modern military and business leadership. The…

Drew Dudley. Everyday Leadership

Drew Dudley. Everyday Leadership. A short video that asks whether you are having a small effect on peoples’ lives without even knowing it. Leaders can have these positive and negative effects, often without being aware that they are doing it. As Patton, said, you are always on parade. Not only does this mean you are…

Dan Pink, The Puzzle of Motivation

Dan Pink, The Puzzle of Motivation. Leaders motivate and Dan Pink talks about what science tells us about motivation. Extrinsic motivations (reward and punishment) and intrinsic ones (internal motivations). It’s a great talk. So great, in fact, that it was recommended to the Army’s general staff in a letter from DCGS following their 2017 conference.…