The Vision
The Army Leader was created by a former Army soldier to give a home for serving British Army soldiers and officers to share their leadership experiences, offer advice and tips, and provide the tools for others to develop themselves and their organizations.
It is unashamedly not purely focused on officers. An interest in good leadership begins from a soldier’s first appointment in command and should be nurtured and helped by their own leaders.
Influenced and inspired by the US and Australian professional military education websites, The Army Leader aims, in its own small way, to improve the practise of leadership in the British Army.
Your Part
We welcome comment on the posts at The Army Leader.
We also strongly encourage articles from former and serving Army (and indeed RM, RAF and RN) soldiers and officers. More information and our submission guidelines are here.
Finally, if you find something useful share it, discuss it and use it. Improve yourself and improve your unit.