50 Free Online Courses for Your COVID-19 Self Isolation
By The Army Leader
Whether you are self-isolated at home due to family infection, following government advice, or dispersed to protect yourself before you get activated as part of the Army’s Covid Support Force, this does not need to be wasted time.
Of course you can always complete some of your MATTS: the SERE and Navigation MATTs can be done online through the Defence Gateway here. But over the last decade there has been a huge growth in MOOCs – Massive Open Online Courses. If you have not come across a MOOC yet, then a world-wide pandemic is probably the right time to try one. MOOCs represent what we have always been told the future of learning would be like. They are delivered online, by top universities, and on many you can learn at your own pace.
Plenty of UK universities have offered part-time and online degrees. MOOCs are different in that they are shorter, require less work and are often free. Or, more likely, they are free to attend but you must pay if you want a certificate at the end to prove your attendance. At the moment, sadly, MOOC certification costs cannot be reclaimed through Standard Learning Credits.
So, if you find yourself stuck at home for a couple of weeks – or more – here are a few personal development courses available online and from some of the worlds leading universities. They span military-related studies, leadership and command, military reconstruction and war amongst the people, self-awareness and personal development, instructor skills, and a few little oddities to spark your imagination.
But before we go into those MOOCs, here are two other ideas.
First, a simple option to dive into online learning is to download audio books, either to supplement of course or to learn about a topic. The lockdown is an ideal opportunity to use Audible’s one month free trial. Normally, £7.99, the free trial gives you one free month and therefore one free audio book. If, after the end of the lockdown you do not want to pay the normal £7.99 monthly fee, just cancel the subscription. Either way, you get to keep the audio book. It is a bargain.
Second, how about a course that actually pays you to do it? The JHub’s Coding Scheme offers member of the MOD the chance to learn a skill, help solve defence problems and earn a bonus at the same time. If you want more information, follow the instructions below.

Military studies
of War
Princeton University
Conflict and Peace
Harvard University
Trends for Business and Society
University of Pennsylvania
Challenges of American National Security, Strategy, and the Press
Harvard University
The Past, Present and Future of Urban Life
Harvard University
Military reconstruction and war amongst the people
Social Norms,
Social Change I
University of Pennsylvania
Social Norms,
Social Change II
University of Pennsylvania
Dynamics of Social Behavior
University of Pennsylvania
University of Pennsylvania
Government Work in Hard Places
Princeton University
Protection: Children’s Rights in Theory and Practice
Harvard University
Children in Humanitarian Settings
Columbia University
& Population: How Demographics Shape Policy
Columbia University
Response to Conflict and Disaster
Harvard University

Self-awareness and personal development
Know Thyself – The Value and Limits of Self-Knowledge: The Examined Life
University of Edinburgh
the Life You Want
University of Pennsylvania
Science of Well-Being
Yale University
Psychology: Martin E. P. Seligman’s Visionary Science
University of Pennsylvania
Psychology: Resilience Skills
University of Pennsylvania
Psychology: Applications and Interventions
University of Pennsylvania
Psychology: Character, Grit and Research Methods
University of Pennsylvania
Psychology Specialization Project: Design Your Life for Well-being
University of Pennsylvania
Communication Skills
University of Pennsylvania
The Art of Persuasive Writing and Public Speaking
Harvard University
Leadership, command and decision-making
Leadership and Followership
Open University
Management Fundamentals
University of Pennsylvania
Organizational Analysis
Stanford University
High-Performing Teams
University of Pennsylvania
a Team Culture of Continuous Learning
University of Pennsylvania
Social and Human Capital
University of Pennsylvania
Risk and Realities
University of Pennsylvania
University of Pennsylvania
Diversity on Teams
University of Pennsylvania
Power of Team Culture
University of Pennsylvania
Leaders of Learning
Harvard University
Introduction to Negotiation: A Strategic Playbook for Becoming a Principled and Persuasive Negotiator
Yale University
Data Analysis Essentials
Imperial College London

Instructor Skills
Whole Classroom Discussion
University of Pennsylvania
to Online and Blended Teaching
University of Pennsylvania
Science of Learning – What Every Teacher Should Know
Columbia University
Classroom Interaction
University of Pennsylvania
Teaching: Supporting All Students in the College Classroom
Columbia University
And a few different things to spark your imagination
University of Pennsylvania
Digital Photography
Harvard University
Harvard University
Foundations of Politics
Yale University
Ideas: Utility, Justice, Equality, Freedom
University of Pennsylvania
to Psychology
Yale University
Crowds and Markets
Cornell University
Introduction to Operations Management
Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania